Entertaining the kids at home

We get it – baby, it’s cold outside. Let’s face it – we don’t get many cold days in a year in North Queensland but when we do you can guarantee we’re not venturing outside! If you’re stuck inside with the kids on a chilly day here’s some ideas to keep them happy and keep you sane!

Movie Time

Set up the loungeroom with some extra blankets and pillows, a space for each individual to lay back and relax while the movie is on. Throw some popcorn in the microwave while you start preparing some hot chocolates. Use a marker and some paper cups to make individual popcorn cups for each person! Or if your family aren’t into popcorn cut up some fruits and snack and place them on a little platter so everyone can nibble while watching the film.

Story Time

Challenge your kids creative abilities and ask them to tell you a story. You can pick a theme – spooky stories always go down a treat! Or make up a story together. One person starts and as you go round each person adds their share to the story!

Treasure Hunt

This is a great way to keep kids busy and give yourself ten minutes to relax. Tear some paper into ten pieces. On each piece write a little clue as to where the next piece will be hidden. Place them around the home and place a little bowl of treats at the final location for the kids to find. Once you’ve set up the treasure hunt give the kids a hint to the location of the first clue and away they go!

Bake, baby, bake

The cold weather makes us all hungry. What better time than a chilly day to do some baking with the kids - warm the house up, stimulate their brains and keep their hands busy at the same time! Keeping pre-mix packets in your pantry ready for days like this is a great idea. If you aren’t that prepared though try making something simple like pancakes! You can add chocolate chips, berries or bananas if you have any to mix things up.

Get Creative

If you have any art supplies stored away – now’s the time to bring it out. Set the kids up in area that has space to get a little messy and let them go. Put an old sheet on the floor if you’re worried about any damage from paint spills. If the kids are a little unsure on what to paint give them a task – paint a portrait or a picture of a landmark they are familiar with. Challenge them to be creative. Remember to supervise where necessary or otherwise put those feet up and enjoy a well-deserved ten minute coffee break!